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Formulation: 1% MyclobutanilUsed to prevent and control damaging diseases.May be used on: Roses, flowers, ornamental shrubs, berries, fruit, nuts, vegetables and lawns.Diseases controlled: Powdery Mildew, Black Spot, Rust, Blights, Scab, Brown Rot, Leaf Spot, Brown Patch, Dollar Spot, Red Thread, Summer Patch, Melting Out and others.Coverage: 750 sq. ft.
Application: Consult label for specific application rates.
Works better with Hi-Yield® Spreader Sticker.Read more about Hi-Yield® Spreader Sticker .Always Read and Follow Label Directions.
Esschert Design Peanut butter with mealworms
Esschert Design Lantern Anthracite
Esschert Design Peanut butter with forest fruits
Fertilome Horticultural Charcoal
Fertilome® Ultimate Potting Mix