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Prevents & controls major diseases on roses, flowers, lawns, trees & shrubs.

Diseases Controlled:

Lawns: Take All Patch, Brown Patch, Dollar Spot, Powdery Mildew, Anthracnose, Black Spot, Leaf Spot, Needle Rust, Red Thread, Stripe Smut, and Dichondra Rust.
Trees, Shrubs & Ornamentals: Black Spot, Leaf Spot, Anthracnose, Powdery Mildew, Needle Rust, Tip Blight and many more listed on the label.

Application:  Consult label for specific application rates.

Works better with Hi-Yield® Spreader Sticker.
Read more about Hi-Yield® Spreader Sticker .

Always Read and Follow Label Directions.

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